Dayton's Bluff

The Dayton’s Bluff historic district was created in 1992 to recognize the historic significance of the neighborhood and to provide a tool for its preservation and revitalization after decades of disinvestment. Dayton’s Bluff, located just east of downtown and high on the bluff above the Mississippi River valley, contains a mix of small workers cottages, grand mansions, some apartment buildings, and everything in between.
In efforts to renew historic neighborhoods and structures we have been involved in a number of initiatives and projects in Dayton’s Bluff including improvements to residential and commercial structures through the Restore Saint Paul loan program, facilitating preservaiton-based community planning activities, and other education and advocany efforts.
HSP played a critical role in 2016 in saving from demolition six vacant buildings in the historic district. All have been or will be sold to parties that will rehabilitate them; they had been slated for demolition.